This summer has been a dream. Last year at this time we were about two weeks into a six week run of fog and drizzle. This year it's completely opposite. Nearly every day we wake to clear blue skies, bright sunshine and soft warm breezes. On the days it's not sunny and warm, it rains just the right amount to water the gardens. I'm waiting for the moment when I wake up and find myself confronted with a real Maine island summer (read fog, lots of fog), but for now I'm enjoying every little bit of this fantasy summer!
With this delightful mix of sun, warmth and rain, the garden is growing and growing. With the exception of a major slug and snail infestation that I'm battling right now, the garden is in good shape.
The peas are up and growing. It took three plantings before they grew faster than the slugs could eat them, but now they'll make it. One lone survivor from the first planting is producing sweet, snappy peas right now. I'm enjoying them one by one. The flowers are just just beginning to bloom and just today I picked the garlic scapes from over 80 garlic plants. I made some of them into a spicey pesto for lunch and more are waiting to be cooked over the next week. My first crop of beets and scallions are growing beautifully, and the second crop of both are just poking their first leaves up today.
I'm going away for a course next week. I hope that the garden is still in decent shape when I get back! Keep your fingers crossed for just the right amount of rain and sun.
Just in case you're wondering, we're just finishing up the 105th piece of the frame. Jason is up to his elbows in boat work, but that should be slowing down just as I'm getting back from my course. Then we're cutting, cutting, cutting until we're ready to raise. The end is in sight!