There are so many people to thank for helping us accomplish this project:
- My sister, Laura, for designing such a sweet, not-so-big, but perfectly delightful house;
- Benjamin and Company Timber Frames for designing our frame and providing us with excellent plans.
- All of the folks on the island who allowed us to come onto their property and cut down trees to turn into lumber;
- Bill McGuinness and Cory Duggan for helping to pour the footing;
- The whole crew who showed up to help us pour the foundation walls;
- Bentley Howard for helping us with our sawmill and teaching Jason the basics to get us started;
- To the whole entire town for showing up to raise the frame;
- Cory Duggan and Jacob Bach Jensen for helping to cut the frame;
- Jim Amuso, Cory Duggan, Gary Gould and Bruce Fernald for heroically lifting those roof truces into place(!);
- Jim Amuso and Steve Krasnow for helping to roof the place;
- To the countless people who showed up over the course of two summers to stuff the walls with straw-clay infill insulation and plaster the walls with clay plaster;
- Jim Amuso for helping in the final days to get it ready to move in;
- To my mother-in-law, Joan, for always being here when we needed her help, no matter what it was we needed help with;
- To my parents, Jeff and Lucy, for the moral support, the extra hands cleaning up and (of course) the plumbing;
- To Eric Dyer for our chimney;
- And to the dozen or so people who showed up to help us move.