I've been feeling a bit down lately. Maybe it's the spring weather--chilly. Maybe it's just spring--this change of year is typically difficult for me. But today I find myself filled with gratitude after a long period of being down. This is the gift that turned it around for me: A smile. Last night when I was saying goodbye to the last student out the door, she turned and gave me the sweetest smile. She was opening the door, her backpack on her back, her babydoll in her arms, one hand on the door knob. She turned over her should and said "Good night, Ms. Lindsay," and smiled. That just made my day. I chuckled to myself as I walked into my after-school meeting.
After realizing the gift I had received I began to realize all of the other gifts I had received during the day and the week. My chickens. They make me laugh every morning! The other day they thought I was a rooster and came over and lined up to say hello. It must have been my orange hat sitting on top of my head. They even let me pet them! So funny. My seedlings growing in the greenhouse, the coldframes and the garden. The onions are up and growing so tall! They are almost touching the glass of the coldframes now. I even moved them out of the coldframes into the greenhouse today. It's time to begin hardening them off for transplanting in a week or two. The garlic is up in the garden, poking up through the straw and seaweed that covered it during the winter, and the spinach, kale, arugula and parsley are all sprouting their second leaves. My husband. He sat with me on the couch last night and played rummy with me even though I was so cranky! Tonight we are going for a ride to the beach to watch the sunset. We'll have a couple of beers and then make some pizzas for dinner. It will be a nice way to end the week, and I'll have even more to be grateful for.
I feel so much better today. And it's all thanks to some very simple gifts.