Busy, busy, busy. That would describe our day. Jason worked on the leech field all day. He leveled and leveled and leveled and then finally put down the drains. They are all in place now and it looks great! He's hoping to be ready for an inspection by next Saturday.
I was working on garden things all day long. It was delightful!
All of the fixing for soil blocks. Seed starting mix, a five gallon bucket and a seed tray. I couldn't for the life of me find my soil blocker. I must have looked for two hours today! I searched the whole apartment and all of the other likely places I might have put it after using it last spring, but no luck. Finally I took a little applesauce container that was in the trash at school and used it to make the soil blocks. It worked. It took a long time, but it worked. |
Here are the applesauce container soil blocks. Not too bad looking. |
And the seeds waiting to be planted. |
And here they are: red cabbage, green cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, dill and cilantro, ready to go into the coldframe and grow! |
Sitting next to those lovely onion seedlings is a flat of peas. I'm trying two different things with the garden this year: 1.) I'm planting by the moon. It's a method that's been used for ages and I'm going to give it a try. I can't wait to see the results! 2.) I'm starting a bunch of things in flats in the greenhouse rather than direct seeding. I think it will give the little plants a head start and I think they might be more likely to overcome the slugs and other pests in the garden. Plus I can hold off on planting until the ground has warmed up a bit, but not loose time. We will see if it's worth it. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the thrill of garden plans and preparation! |
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