Friday, April 8, 2011

The Homefront

After a week of recovering from an injury, Jason is back to work on the house!  He is now working on the septic system.  It's looking great.

The hole for the septic tank. 

The septic tank and the drains for the leech field. 

Working on leveling the leech field. 

He has also been working on framing in more windows.

In the garden there is all sorts of excitement, too! 
Onion seedlings.  I'm hoping to transplant in two weeks, so I moved them out of their coldframe today and put them into the greenhouse to harden them off. 

Perennial scallions.  We ate some of these in our supper last night.  Delicious!

The garlic just sending up its first shoots.  Can you see the little shoot in the picture?

Looking like something from outer space, rhubarb!

A pleasant surprise--two of my grafting attempts made it!  Here is the first one I noticed. 

And here is the second one I noticed.  Now, don't ask me what kind of apple they will produce.  I was pretty convinced none of my grafting attempts would work last spring, so I didn't label any of them!  These will be a surprise when they begin to produce fruit in a few years.

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